Sisters and Brothers…
Your bargaining committee met with the Employer and the Conciliator on December 8th to continue the bargaining process. The employer presented CUPE 1252 with their wage mandate for a four-year period from July 1-2019 to January 1-2023. They were as follows.
July 1-2019–0.5%, January 1-2020–0.5%,
July 1-2020–0%, January 1-2021–0%,
July 1-2021–0.5%, January 1-2022–0.5%,
July 1-2022–0.5% and January 1-2023–0.5%,
This equates to a total of 3% over four years.
Your bargaining committee was prepared to negotiate further, but the position of the employer was if we did not accept the wages as presented, they could not negotiate any further on other monetary proposals. Your bargaining committee could not accept the employer’s position. CUPE 1252 informed the conciliator conciliation was over and the report could be written.
What happens next; under the Public Service Labour Relation Act (PSLRA), which is the law we must follow through the bargaining process, the conciliator has a total of fourteen (14) days to write a report and present the report to the Minister of Labour. Then the Minister of Labour has fifteen (15) days to consider if a conciliation board is an option. CUPE 1252 has considered this option but will not prolong the process. You the membership directed us going into bargaining and we stand firm on that directive.
It is imperative you the membership provide your contact information to your local executive and attend all meetings in the coming weeks to get updates as information becomes available.
Let us “ZERO” in on our priorities.

In Solidarity,
Your Bargaining Committee